Prom Time 2

"Our Prom King is...Bear! Congratulations! Come up to the stage and claim your crown." He scans the heads.

Bear glances happily at Forest before walking to the stage and up the steps.

The principal smiles. "And our Prom Queen is...Forest! Congratulations! Come up and claim your crown."

Forest gasps and hurriedly rushes up the steps to stand beside Bear. The principal hands Bear the Queen crown and Forest the King crown.

"Give each other the crowns." The principal says.

Forest turns toward Bear with the King one and Bear turns to her with the Queen one. Forest bows low and Bear slowly places the crown on her head. Everyone cheers. Forest stands back tall and Bear bows low. Forest places the crown on his head before he stands back tall too. Everyone cheers again. The principal slowly moves off the stage so the duo can take it all. Instead, they walk off the stage and back into the crowd. The principal awkwardly moves back into the backroom and the DJ begins the music again.

Forest and Bear move to the concessions table and get some cheese and crackers. People walk by and congratulate them. The duo kiss once everyone is gone. Suddenly, Rylee and Ravi walk up behind them.

"Hey, congratulations you two." Rylee playfully punches Forest's arm.

Forest laughs nervously and rubs her arm. Bear wraps his arm around her and rubs it too before glaring at Rylee.

Rylee narrows her eyes and looks at the floor.

"Yeah congratulations guys!" Ravi exclaims, trying to lighten the mood at least a little bit.

Bear dragged his glare away from Rylee and stared into Ravi's eyes. "Your girlfriend needs to be put under some kind of control." He stated, half-joking.

Rylee looks up from the floor at him. Ravi panicks and blocks her view.

"Just ignore him." He whispered behind him at her. "Don't do anything here, please."

Rylee peeked put from behind Ravi at Bear with crazy eyes and a wide smile. "Why don't you say that again and see what happens, bitch?"

Bear turned his gaze back to her and didn't flinch. "You *really* need to be put under some kind of control." He then turned his head to look at Forest, who nervously looked back.

Rylee quickly scooped a cup of punch and splashed it onto Bear.

"Hey!" He stepped away from Forest to not get it on her.

Rylee laughed at his struggle. Ravi starts panicking again. Forest slips away to the side and watches.

Rylee steps in front of Bear. "Now, if you want to see what else happens, say it again."

Bear defiantly stared at her. "Nothing you've done so far will change my mind and make me say that it isn't true."

Rylee's smile widened and a dark shadow covered her gaze. She raised her fist and brought it down hard on Bear's face. He stumbled backward at the blow and wiped some blood away that was trickling from his lip. Rylee snickers and walks towards the exit doors, dragging Ravi with her.

Forest rushes to Bear when they're gone and grabs a napkin from the table to hold it over his lip.

"Really Bear? You go and get yourself injured at Prom?" She scolds "That's just you." She adds playfully.

Bear smiled painfully.

Forest quickly rushed him out of the room and to the nurse office.

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