Write about a character who used to be famous in their younger life, but now lives as a regular civilian.

Are they annoyed that they're not known, or do they welcome the anonymity? What was their life like and how does that affect them now?

famous last words

Death comes sooner than you think. It’s an inevitable bolt of lightning that strikes you when you least expect it. At least, that was the case with me. I found that out sooner rather than later. My life used to be enjoyable; full of never-ending surprises that would fill even the most unfortunate person with joy. It was a rollercoaster with many twists and turns, making my life more difficult than it needed to be, but I was willing to take that risk to have a life full of fortune. However, it seems that the rollercoaster stopped working half way through a loop, and crashed into the concrete ground. My childhood destroyed me: I was constantly ruined by the alcoholic man who lived in the bar across the street. That’s why, when I received the letter that would turn out to be my downfall, I was thrilled, over the moon and quick to fully accept everything they asked for. I would soon learn this act of foolishness would be my biggest regret. After receiving the information that I was needed for an audition for a role in a huge movie, I was the most happiest girl alive. Only for a short moment. After I performed, harnessing my emotions for my father and using them to my advantage, they were sure I was the one- never did I think I was stupid to be ecstatic with this news. I don’t know where exactly my life started to drop upside down from the loop. I guess it could have been anywhere between the end of my only movie, and the start of my drinking habit, which I would find out was the cause of my unexpected death. It’s hypocritical, that my downfall was something I despised, mainly because my father depended on it. I guess that’s where my life’s ending really started- with the drink my father would always have in his hand. The drink I wish would disappear everytime I stared at it hatefully. The drink I would also soon depend on. From my hospital bed I begin to wonder what life could have been like, if I wasn’t discarded after my average performance as an amateur actor in a disastrous movie that nearly ended everyone’s careers involved in it. How amazing life could’ve been. But it was suddenly over, only 10 years after my debut. The rollercoaster has finally stopped, and it’ll never run again. The empty beer bottle beside my bed was one of many, and the biggest mistake of my life. At least I could put the blame on someone else- the cowardly thing to do in a time of crisis. It was your fault dad. You were the downfall of my life. Not my small career, not my drinking problem. You. And you’ll have to live with that for the rest of your life. My death was your fault. Hopefully, your famous last words won’t come as quick and unexpectedly as mine.
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