The Girl And The Book

Please do give me feedback. I’m not used to writing stories.🙃

Where was I hiding? Behind my shadows? Behind the truth? I had to reveal myself. There was a enormous weight on my back and it won’t let go. Cautiously, I walked down the cobbled, concrete stairs, each footstep making a pit pat sound. It was so silent that the voices in my head felt as if they were screaming right in my ear. Dust layered over the floor, my foot making a print each time I place my sole on the ground.

There was a mirror placed in front of me. It was clean other than the fact there was cobwebs around the corners. The letter Z was engraved in the corner with nine beautifully embedded stones.

My eyes darted everywhere whilst the clock of the clock took over my mind. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Red fingerprints were marked on the wall, pictures of monsters placed beneath my feet and a sense of fear and confusion lingered in the air. There was an old diary with a rusted metal lock but it was.. wet , as if a whole bucket of water spilled on it. There was blood. Not dry blood. A bright red which was smothered across the page. The sweet smell of blood infiltrated my nose as a plethora of questions whizzed through my brain. Am I supposed to be here? Will I make it out? I turned the page and there was more blood but it was different. It was more of a maroon than scarlet. A stunning girl was drawn on the page which a perfectly marked X on her. I turned the next page, interested to see what was yet to come. RUN, RUN, RUN…

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