Inspired by Hollow Oaks
Can You Hear Me?
Write a poem that could have this as the title.
Can You Hear Me
Can you hear me
Pounding on the walls
Can you hear me
Walking down the halls
Can you hear me
Screaming and screaming
Can you here me
Hopelessly dreaming
Do you listen when I talk
Do you hear my pounding walk
Or am I just a ghost
Listening to you boast
You are an arrogant man
With your plan
I thought you would have grown tired of me
With all my pleas
Yet you are still here
Holding me near
Do you even pay attention
To all my intentions
I am just your tool
Never your jewel
You promised
But you spew lies
With all my cries
You said you loved
You said you cared
Can you hear me
Wanting to be noticed
Can you hear me
While you focus
On anything but me
Can you hear me
And all my misery
You take an take
Until I break
I give and give
Not wanting to live
You promised
And now you’re gone
Can you hear me