Write a short story based on the final scene of the last movie you watched. It can be based on the actual ending or your own take on it.
Let The World Ring
“We’re going to to live forever.” “Forever is a bit overrated,” he smiled. “You know what I mean, we’ll be dead in just a few years, but our legacy will last longer than this rock in the sky. When it finally burns away, they’ll pick it up and be talking about what we did light years away.” “You’re dreaming big,” he let the words fall from his mouth, not thinking about the consequences that his partner would bestow on him for saying it.
“Dreaming big? If I’m being honest, I’m not dreaming big enough. Did you see what we did?” Anger filled his voice, he didn’t like his existence being downplayed like this. “I did, but that doesn’t mean we need this treatment.”
“I think I found your flaw,” he let the air leave his chest, having built up listening to the man in front of him. “We’re living gods, and you want to think we aren’t important.” “That’s not a flaw, that’s being human.” “Which you aren’t!” he yelled. “You’re not human! You’re a god, can’t you understand! We’re gods!”
“I don’t like what you’ve become, stop this.” he put his hands up trying to separate himself from the madness flowing for his mouth.
“We’re not gods. We aren’t, and we never will be. We are everyday humans who, I thought cared about the world. I don’t need to be rewarded, and you certainly don’t either. What happen to you?”
He held a sly smile. Nothing left his mouth until he backed up and turned away. “I’m a god. I’ll flatten you if you step in my way. I am your god, and you will think of me that way.”