Dark Rooms

My eyes are still closed when I get a ominous feel as if someone watching me. My eyes snap open. “Hello dear girl” a man tall and thin. I can’t even sputter a word out as the iron bars around my wrist seem to tighten just a little but more the man speaks. “You have five minutes to convince me not to kill you, good luck dear girl”

The man was still standing in the shadows face partially obscured in the darkness.


“ you shouldn’t kill me because”

My mind was blank with shock silence I had wasted a minute of my time

“ wow you go to the park once and you get abducted” frustration with my self seemed to grow when my mind stayed empty. The problem was I had no idea if was even still In New York

“3 minutes” the man’s voice seemed to sing with excitement as I struggle to make my argument

“You shouldn’t kill me because…because i have”

“ what what do you have that this psychotic man could want ”

“ I have money, I could give you the world but only if I’m alive”

“ that sounds very nice but you are lying try again”

His words slice into my brain like a knife

“Your time is up” he whispers ever so quietly

Panic floods my brain had he steps into the light a small smile of victory flashes on the plan face of this man his now visible image is pale. It is like he is always thinking of something sinister

Shivers begin to run up and down my spine.


No help, help!

When my voice begins to echo I know: there is no hope for me

tears begin to streak my face when he is inches from my face he shrieks

“ YOU TOOK THE ONLY THING I HAD, the only thing I ever wanted” his breathing begins to get heavier as he regains his composure 

“I’m sorry”

More tears fall form my eyes it feels like ages until I open my eyes again

“She’s awake “

A women tall and dark in a white coat and hair pulled back tightly into a bun stands before me

What’s your name? She asked me in a stern clear voice

My throat is dry as if I have never used it before

“Bella” I rasp it hurts to talk

“ well bella your lucky to be alive “ she leaves the room and I adjust to the white sterile environment

I look around and see that I’m in a hospital the window across from me is showing me New York City at night it’s so beautiful

I feel as if a an apple as been thrown in my throat as I begin to cry once again

The women comes back into the room

“ Bella I’m doctor Carson are you okay? “

I look at her for a moment her face is young but she has seen death her face is tired and full of worry

“ who was he”

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