Glowing Eyes Part 1

The music pulsed and the lights flashed in time with the beat of whatever song was playing. My friends had dragged me to some teen club where you had to be 16 or older to get in. They thought it would be the perfect place to celebrate my sweet 16 birthday. I agreed although this was so not my type of place; I didn’t like crowds and only ever went to school mixers and dances to appease my friends, but I spent the whole time off to the side. I guess I am a bit of a wall flower and that suits me just fine. I never liked being the center of attention and often did my damnedest to stay out of the spotlight; I sat at the back of the class room in school, ate at one of the tables in the far corner of the cafeteria at lunch, with the few friends I had, most of whom I had been friends with since preschool and mostly kept to myself. I also didn’t consider myself exceptionally pretty; I mean I wasn’t ugly by any means, but there was also nothing special about me. I was 5’ 3” and about 130lbs with dark brown hair which I had always worn very long for as long as I can remember not to where I was sitting on it but still past my waist hazel eyes and a slightly tan unblemished complexion with high cheekbones a straight narrow nose and full lips. I was not well endowed in the bust department, but I wasn’t flat either; as far as my body goes I considered myself average so no not ugly or plain by any means but not exceptionally pretty either. I was maybe cute at best.

It was odd for me to be friends with the people I was friends with do to the fact the most of them were extroverts and social butterflies where as I was more of a introvert and preferred solitude. My friends think I need to get out more and some even think I need a significant other. I use that term do to the fact that even though I don’t date at all really I do know that I am pan sexual or that I don’t base relationships off of gender. My friends don’t know how I can tell considering I have never been in a relationship, but for me it’s one of those things I just know. Anyway I don’t need a significant other, I am just fine being a solo act for now; even now while my friends are out on the dance floor talking, laughing and flirting while they danced I sat at one of the few small tables that were available suddenly my friends rush over to me.

“Come on Sarah come dance with us” said Tracy the neon lights reflecting off her blond hair

“Yeah Sarah this is supposed to be your sweet 16 birthday celebration you can’t spend it sitting on the side lines the whole time” Raquel with her extremely dark hair and skin making her stand out against the brightly colored flashing lights said

“RaRa is right Sarah come dance and have some fun” said Hallie her flaming red curls bouncing around her face

That’s when I noticed one of our group was missing “Hey guys where’s Kelsey”

“Oh don’t worry her older brother Dillon showed up and took her home apparently she snuck out to come here you know how strict her parents can be” said Raquel

“Indeed” I said I knew perfectly well how strict Kelsey’s parents were super religious and straight as arrows she was lucky that they sent her to public school and not a catholic all girls boarding school where you have to where uniforms and everything she would never thrive in a place like that they had threatened it once after she had put hot pink streaks in her hair I mean it wasn’t that big a deal it washed out after 24 washes but no they did not approve at least she was safe and sound and we would most likely get a text from her later if her parents don’t confiscate her cell phone and if they did we would see her in school on Monday

“Anyway come dance with us” Tracy said grabbing my arm and trying to tug me to the dance floor then the DJ got on the microphone “ok I need all the single ladies out on the dance floor” he said as Beyoncé’s song single ladies began to play

“And it’s one of your favorite songs” said Hallie

“Okay fine” I gave in fallowing them to the dance floor and started dancing with them but someone bumped into me knocking me over

“Oh my goodness I am so sorry…are you alright ? Here let me help you up” said a female voice and a pale hand was extended to me I took it and was helped off the floor looking at the person who has just helped me up it was a beautiful teen girl with purple hair and electric blue eyes that were glowing in the dim light no that’s not possible peoples eyes don’t glow they just looked like they were glowing trick of the light maybe

“Thank you” I said

“No thanks necessary darling after all I was the one who knocked you over”

“Oh I…”

“Sarah come on” Hallie was calling to me from somewhere further on the dance floor

“That’s me I have to go” I said hastily leaving the girl to find Hallie “are you ok Sare Bear we tried to come over to you when you fell but the dance floor is just too crowded”

“Yeah I am just fine but you are right about the dance floor being crowded I think I am going to just sit out the next few dances”

“Okay we’ll probably leave soon anyway”

I left the dance floor and went to sit at the table I was sitting at before then a voice spoke to me “excuse me” the voice said I look to see the teen girl from before “I just came over to be sure you were ok and to apologize again”

“Oh I’m alright and it’s okay you don’t have to apologize”

“I respectfully disagree…please allow me to buy you a drink to make up for it”

“No that’s not…”

“I insist let me buy you a drink”

“Okay” I say and fallow her to the small bar at the back of the club each of us taking a seat on one of the tall bar stools

“What can I I get you ladies?” the bartender asked

“I will have a Virgin Appletini, what about you darling?” the purple hair girl asked me

“A Shirley Temple” I said

“Coming right up” he said leaving only to return a few moments later with our drinks

I didn’t say much as I sipped my drink then the girl spoke to me

“I’m sorry but I didn’t catch your name before”

“Oh it’s Sarah, Sarah Davis”

“Draya Royal it’s nice to meat you” she said taking my hand and kissing the top of it and then suddenly I felt drawn to the girl I surged forward and smashed my lips against hers and she responded immediately without surprise or hesitation as if she had expected me to kiss her she tasted sweet like fruit but that could just be from the Appletini she had been drinking then ever so slowly she pulled away the loss of contact caused a unbidden whimper to escape my lips she giggled and it sounded like music I was snapped out of what ever spell I was under when some stupid teenaged boy at the end of the bar wolf whistled saying “girl on girl, so hot”

Draya turned to glare at the boy “if you have any sense of self-preservation I suggest you keep all future comments to your self” she said her tone dangerous and threatening then turned back to me and smiled sweetly “Now where were we” she said leaning in for another kiss but I lean away she gives me a confused and maybe a little bit hurt look “I’m sorry it’s just I’m not usually so forward and I don’t know why I kissed you not that I didn’t like it I just don’t usually do that kind of thing”

“It’s alright I tend to have that effect on people and if you don’t want to continue I understand”

“ It’s not that I don’t want to continue exactly it’s just…I mean I don’t even know you”

“I don’t know you either”

“It’s just… I don’t go around kissing perfect strangers in bars”

I understand…so you think I’m perfect” she said from her tone I could tell she was trying to flirt

“I… no… well I mean you are very beautiful….so I guess yes some would describe you as perfect…not that I was…but that’s not to say I don’t think you are…I mean…I do.. and you are… and I’m going to shut up now” I said looking down at my lap blushing from embarrassment then I heard that musical laugh again

“You know you are sort of adorable when you are embarrassed like that” she said still smiling at me which only made me blush deeper

“I…thank you I guess”

“Not at all darling”

“Why do you keep calling me that”

“I can stop and just call you Sarah if you prefer”

“No I don’t mind I was just curious is all”

“I suppose I just like calling you that”

“Oh okay”

“So tell me what is a pretty thing like you doing here”

“It’s my sweet 16 birthday celebration”

“Guess I messed up the whole never been kissed thing for you” she said laughing

“I guess so” I said shyly

At that point Hallie came running up “ready to go Sarah?” She asked but saw Draya sitting next to me “Uh… on the other hand I see you met someone so we don’t have to go now…” she said trailing off

Draya turned to look at Hallie “No, it’s getting late you should take your friend home after all I hear it’s dangerous for young ladies such as your selves to be out so late at night”

“Young ladies…you can’t be much older than us” Hallie said

“I’m older than I look my dear and as I said it’s getting late you should take your friend home”

“Yeah your right…come on Sarah let’s go”

“Thank you for the drink” I said and was about to leave but before I could she cupped my face in her cool hands and placed a gentle kiss on my forehead “See you around darling…oh and happy birthday”

“Thank you” I said blushing before hopping off the barstool and walking with Hallie to the exit of the club”Sarah you naughty girl hooking up with someone”

“Shut up Hallie we didn’t hook up she just bought me a drink that’s all”

“Sure” Hallie said disbelievingly

I glared at her all the way back to the car

I leaned against the front door of my house once I was inside after my friends dropped me off I was surprised I was so tired but I felt exhausted and so I went straight up to bed I opened my window a crack to let in some fresh air and then crawled into bed falling asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow

I woke up feeling like I was being watched I sit up only to see a pair of bright electric blue eyes looking at me and they were most definitely glowing in the darkness of my room I look away for a moment to turn my bedside lamp on but when I look back my room was empty aside from myself no stranger with glowing eyes anywhere. I feel a warm breeze against my skin and look to see my window wide open but I knew for a fact I only left it open a crack I got out of bed and stuck my head out my window looking around but nothing was amiss so I sighed pulled my head back in and shut my window not completely for some reason I still left it open a crack I was being silly I was on the second floor of my house how would someone come in through my window and perhaps I just imagined the eyes it is dark in my room and I had just woken up after all but I couldn’t explain my window being all the way open and I couldn’t help but feel like the eyes I saw were some how familiar that’s when I remembered Draya’s eyes I thought it was a trick of the light when I saw her eyes glowing but maybe it wasn’t but how would she be in my room the girl didn’t even know where I live I sighed this was becoming to complicated and I was still too tired to think about it so I crawled back into bed closed my eyes and went back to sleep but this time my dreams were plagued by glowing blue eyes and the alluring girl they belonged to


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