Crazy Day….Right?

I woke up feeling off, like I wasn’t myself. I opened my eyes and looked around. This wasn’t my room. I slowly got up and walked to the door, opened it. The door made a loud creak, which was…Unsettling to say the least. I walk to the bathroom and turn on the light, it was flickering for a bit, but then stopped. My reflection on the mirror wasn’t the same. That wasn’t me. It was recognizable though. I put two and two together, I’d realized I’d turned into a philosopher I’d heard about in the newspapers. This was crazy, it had to not’ve been happening…..No, it was real. I slapped myself, purely trying to wake up…Well, to see if it was real. I was dumbfounded when I figured it out. I walk around and find a computer…It was unlocked, that’s weird….It had been open to a email that said something like:

**_Professor Eugene, you have been invited to speak at an event. Come at 6:00 _****sharp. ****_

_**I heavily sighed, knowing I’d have to speak about some boring, intellectual nonsense…..Im not a good speaker, really. I then checked the time: 5:30. I groaned and went to get ready. After that, I got a text message saying where it was. I went to get my keys and drove to the party. I arrived and opened the door, everyone gasped and cleared a path for me. I walked in the building and then was greeted by two friendly men. I sat down and talked to people for a bit…I think they knew I wasn’t really Professor Eugene, they knew something was up. Soon, the two men came up to the stage and announced my speech. I slowly, hesitantly got up and walked up the stairs. Once I was infront of the microphone, I felt like my knees would buckle in and give out any moment now. I looked around, my eyes widening and my heart beating faster and faster every second. “H-Hello peo-“ I choked on my words halfway through. I shook my head. “Sorry guys…” The crowd was ready to boo and throw stuff. “I have a….Theory??? Uh…Death is a beautiful thing, but life may be even better but more violent. Life is…Sweet but psycho.” The crowd settled down. “Am i a psychologist?….Nevermind, thats a stupid question. But can someone explain how Life works……” Silence and a bunch of glares. “E-Exactly! You can’t explain that. That’s why people gravitate towards death more…The thought of what happens after death is a contributor too, they just don’t know. Meanwhile, with life, they know they’re just going to keep on living.” The people nodded. “I-I ummm…..There’s no meaning. Literally….Alright, I’m done.” I finally end. The crowd clapped. Then I saw myself in the crowd, confused. Myself! I stared straight into my eyes…….Well, what used to be my eyes. My own body, in the crowd. It was like I was spectating myself in third person. I reached out to touch my own hand and I could tell the other person in my body was just as confused as I was. What caused this situation? The last thing I remember doing before I turned into a philosopher was…Spilling some chemical on me. I was a scientist. I was working for a cure for something, and then i spilled something, elbow hit the container with the liquid in it. I raised my eyebrows and realized why I’d been here. That was interrupted by a sensation, like my soul leaving my body….Next thing I know, im in the crowd. I switched back into myself.

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