The Silent Warrior

Blazing infernos of rage rose up from the dry wood of the poor villagers’ humble huts,courtesy of the oversized armoured lizard as it soared high above the village. Roars sounded out between it belching fire,shaking the whole area around the tiny village. The only saving grace was the lack of people in the immediate vicinity,as they’d already been evacuated.

Well,that was a slight lie.

There was one person.

It was a person,yes. Though there was no way it was human as it simply trekked through the flames,as if they were mere bushes. This also included the lust for it’s target’s destruction shimmering in it’s shadowed eyes.

It hefted a 7 foot pole,the end of which was attached a thick,sharp piece of silver-like metal material that seemed to be glowing a gentle white pulse.

Stalking up to the raging beast that had in the time they spent in the flame with weapon in hand,they readied a strike to take it down. Thrusting the weapon into the back of the skull of the dragon made quick work of the,before ravenous beast.
