A spaceship docks silently at an abandoned intergalactic outpost.
Focus on creating tension from the very start of the story. You do not have to resolve the plot.
A Time In Space
"Why is our ship moving?" Aria spoke as she pulled on Jordan's shirt.
Jordan looked over to the glass window to see their ship rotating in a sphere formation towards an empty outpost. He knew it was empty because his mother told him about when he was younger and she would travel in space. She told him about this outpost, Ebon Point I17Y. Earlier that year, he looked through the old photos his mother took and recognized that it was the most haunted looking place, and they were heading right for it.
"We're gonna crash into it!" Jordan yelled, grabbing on to Aria and pushing her into a small shuttle space.
"What about you?"
"I'm going to come back, okay? I just need to check the motors to make sure it's stable."
Jordan moved as fast as he could, though there was no gravity, to the front of the spaceship. He knew that there was two spaceships two meters from their spaceship, but he didn't have any way to contact them. He also knew that there was never going to be any sound in space, so they're trapped. They wouldn't even be able to hear the crash. Someone might get hurt. The spaceship might get hurt, then there would be no way home. Ebon Point was getting closer and closer by the second. Jordan pulled himself hand over hand down the corridor, heart pounding. As he reached the engine room, he found more chaos - panels ripped open, wires sparking in zero-g.
"Jordan, something's out here!" she cried. Working even faster now, he could see the shadowy figure clinging to the hull through her porthole feed.
As the station loomed before them, Jordan gave one last twist of the spanner. With a lurch, the engines sputtered back to life just in time. But their new course was set to dock - directly where that dark shape was attached. Ebon Point grew enormous in the viewport as Jordan raced the engines. At the last possible second, he wrenched the controls and their trajectory shifted just enough.
With a teeth-rattling jolt, the research vessel collided with the outpost. Sparks flew as metal scraped and crumpled. For a terrifying moment, they weren't sure if the airlock seal would hold.But after a few shuddering breaths, all grew still once more. Aria peeled her fingers from the armrests to see they had crashed at an angle, partially embedded in the outpost's outer wall. She floated down to the ground, sort of still holding on to a railing.
"At least we're safe." Jordan said.
Unfortunately, the collision set off something; something bad. A fire burned through the back of the spaceship.
"Are we gonna die?!" Aria screamed as she banged on the shuttle door, almost begging to be let out.
Jordan looked at her, sympathy in his eyes. She was confused, but Jordan knew what he had to do. He had to do exactly what his mother did.
"You're going home." Jordan spoke, pressing a button above the shuttle, launching her back to space.
He placed his hand on the glass, just as he remembered his mother did, as a final goodbye. Aria placed her hand on the glass back. It was dumb. She thought the shuttle could fit both of them, but it was small, with limited air space.
"Make it home, and don't come back like I did, okay?" He asked.
She nodded and the shuttle departed, Jordan being forever lost in the space. He had no help, no sound, and no way out.