“That was the only lesson she ever needed to learn.”

Write a poem about anything you wish, but end with the line provided.


she fell for a guy, he broke her heart

she should’ve known better from the start

she gave it her all, but for him it was a game

in the end, his lies broke her all the same

it just felt so real, so different, so good

she didn’t know love, and wanted to see if she could

but he didn’t feel the same, that much she knows now

he’s a jerk, a meanie, a big, fat cow

why lie and say he cares when it wasn’t true

why hold on to something completely untrue

she wishes she’d have known better

she wishes she never wasted her time on those 6 letters

now she knows not to open up, or her heart would burn

that was the only lesson she needed to learn

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