When I Look In The Mirror

Sometimes I glimpse a flawed reflection,

A mirror pained with self doubts hue.

But sometimes she smiles, a sweet deflection,

Revealing depths of me, real and true.

Stretch marks, soft curves, a mother’s grace,

A testament to life’s wonderful art.

Hair, though weary, wears time’s embrace,

A crown of stories from the heart.

Eyes, shadowed softly, hold the night,

Yet paint galaxies of dreams.

Beyond the surface, a guiding light,

Ignites a spirit that fiercely gleams.

I try to find a strength behind every scar,

A resilience etched in time.

These eyes, though tired, see stars afar,

A universe of hope sublime.

For in this body, worn and true,

A spirit wild resides.

I am the sum of all I do,

A masterpiece where courage abides.

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