Chen Zhou

Minutes turned to hours then before we knew it hours turned to days. I have lost track of how long we’ve been walking. Our food supply is being rationed to its last crumb and our feet are raw and flooding our boots with blood and sweat. The long path stretches into a gloomy shadow of mist. My back is aching as the baby in my backpack cries and whales for its mother. Its little head poking out of a gap in the backpack’s top. The path is made of mud and let off and unbearable stench. The fog thickens as we walk further and further. We found this baby a few days ago. She was wrapped in a white knitted blanket with nothing but her face popping out. If it wasnt for Ling begging us to stop for a toliet break we would have never saw her. She was buried beneath a pile of leaves not making a single noise. Inside her blanket there was a note. It read.

“Dear whomever is reading,

I hope this letter has found you in good health. If you have found this letter i am guessing you have found my baby. Her name is Shao. Our hoise is in the woods you can go there to find food and a place to stay the night. The soliders found us. They have already taken my sweet baby Huang. Please take care of my baby.

Thank you so much,

Chen Zhou.”

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