Simple Standards Of Being A Person

Not the prompt, also btw I’m still at summer camp

Be confident

Be humble

Be outgoing

Fit in

Be yourself

Be like everybody else

Be humble

Be proud

Be selfless

Love yourself

Be unique

Be you

Become something that the world can accept

Don’t stand out

Stay with the crowd

But don’t let hypocrisy get you down

Why are we told from such a young age?

Told to love ourselves

But never put ourselves first?

To be humble but confident and proud and happy?

Be you!


Be what the world wants to be you!

But don’t worry!

We love you!

As long as you’re exactly as we hoped you to!

Don’t be too skinny

Don’t be too fat

Don’t act all shy

You’re better than that!

Your smile is beautiful!

Do that a bit more!

No never mind we don’t like that anymore.

Be unique

Be different

Just like everyone else

Just shut up and quit acting so confused

If we understand, why can’t you?

The rules are so simple!

So easy and clear!

To figure it out should only take 50 years!

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