
It was a little nameless feeling happened long away ..

So far this still occupying me.

It was the stillness of his voice that echoed in my head louder than his acts did..

Yeah he was simply complicated how he looks ,

What is attracted me for the first glance…

Soft words , deep sense of humour , sarcastic thoughts that are all faded out to a wistful stray…

Maybe he was hurt , or the tranquility didn’t know his way..

Or did not get a hand to teach him how to dance …

Like a lost boat with torn sails resisting the unruly waves, scary like deserted lands after the wars..

I admit I’m enchanted by his distraction ,

His persistence sense of imperfection ,

Yeah , Weird but sweet imagination ,

As a Prolonged missing remuneration ,

Limerence was my only chance…

So I’m mightily hoping we will meet again ,

In a better place , in another life where we will have a choice to make a cloud and drawing a sun

So that rainbows will be born ….

This nameless feeling was so real and uncountable so giving it a name ruin it’s purity 💚.

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