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Navy: ~7/7/97~

Everyone expected flying cars by 2050, but no, the first flying car was actually released today, in 2100. Past humans almost trashed the world more twice. A civil war broke out in the states, and you officially can’t travel anywhere into Europe without reason.

Danny: ~7/7/64~

It’s 2064, I’m currently fighting in the civil war, on the republicans side, we are losing and life is scary. I don’t want to die, hell, I didn’t even want to join this war. My wife and daughter are waiting at home for me. I haven’t even met her yet, but her name is Navy according to my wife.

Gracelyn: ~7/7/42~

I’m currently pregnant with my first child, me and my husband want to name him Danny, I hope he lives a long and happy life, I know he’ll be a fighter, just like his mama. I love you, Danny.

Alex: ~7/7/20~

My two year old was so excited to see me today, she ran and hugged me after work, my Gracelyn, my angel. It’s hard being a single dad, I just hope life gets better for her.

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