Your protagonist works in a dry-cleaners, and finds something concerning in the pocket of a jacket...
The Jacket
Ellen Reed worked in a simple dry cleaners, in a simple town called Willmen Peaks, and lived a simple life. The most excitement this sleepy place ever got was the missing persons case a few towns over. A boy, age 15, had been missing for a few months now. No one knew what had happened, the last place he’d been seen was his school yard. His name was Will Rasquirk, and, according to the papers, he’d been on his way to a very bright future.
Ellen paid little mind to the Rasquirk case. The way she saw it, what didn’t affect her wasn’t hers to worry about.
But anyway, nothing really happened in her sleepy little town. That was until one Saturday morning in the middle of October.
The quaint building rumbled as the clothing rack sound round the dry cleaners. Ellen was sittting at a desk surrounded by sewing materials, pens, and paper. She was stitching up a jacket she’d found somewhere, hoping it could be put to good use.
It wasn’t a hard task, simply stitching up the sleeve and giving it a thorough wash. Ellen’s needle rhythmically impaling the fabric, over and under, under and over. She was content, even humming a little song she’d heard on the radio earlier she didn’t know the name of. Something about letting her emotions flow though the stab of a needle calmed her.
And before she knew it, the sleeve was sewn and the jacket ready for a washing. But she felt something odd in the pocket, and found a small piece of paper tucked into it. Out of curiosity, she opened the paper and discovered it a hastily written letter in messy looking print. It read:
_My name is Will Rasquirk and I was kidnapped by a man with long dark hair and a scraggly beard named Nelson Tucker. He took me to his house and told me he wanted my family to pay. Please, if you find this tell my parents it’s not their fault and my little sister that she can have my old toy duck. Tell them I love them so, so much._
Ellen quickly took off in her car to the nearest police station a few blocks down. She gave them the jacket and letter, and their eyes widened when they realized what they held.
A few days later, Ellen saw in the paper that a man called Nelson Tucker had been arrested for kidnapping and killing a young boy named Will Rasquirk. Apparently Will’s body had been found in a shed in Tuckers backyard. The boy had been locked in there for months, and was eventually stabbed to death my Tucker when he got bored of him.
It was a sad, sad story, and Ellen was just glad Nelson Tucker had been crazy enough to believe that he’d been the one to kill Will Rasquirk.