
It never failed. It’s like they spent all day planning those ten minutes each day to cause their mother a near mental breakdown. There were some days when things started chaotic right off the bat, but most days were lazy and easy going until she needed them to be quiet, or be still, or be clean for “just a second”. It was those “just a second” moments that made her want to pull out her hair. For instance, when the neighbors decided to drop by for a visit and she had just a few minutes to pickup the house and in those few minutes the toddler peed on all the puzzles in the living room and the baby had a blowout diaper at the same time! Or...when she was in the middle of a zoom meeting with her principal and 82 other staff members and the toddler decided to poop in the yard while the chickens escaped into the dog pen. Even just this afternoon...the baby became inconsolable (except for mom) with his teething at the same moment toddler fell off the kitchen chair and busted his head...this time even grandma added to the scene by crying that he might have a concussion because of her! Chaotic, unpredictable...yet comical and adorable...she never had to worry about being bored.

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