Stick To The Right…

I couldn’t see what was up ahead, but I knew. I knew exactly what it was.

The smell of stale alcohol, the breathing pattern, it was him. My father. I approached slowly, dreading every step.

My heart was racing as I got closer… Just a few more steps now… Even though I was blindfolded, I screwed my eyes up from the fear. I thought I had escaped him once and for all, yet here he was, haunting me again.

Just a few more paces… I quickly skipped past, my arm brushing his. I hadn’t realised I was holding my breath, and let out a sigh of relief.

My right arm was out, fingers running against the rough foliage, guiding my way around the maze. ‘Stick to the right’ he said. I felt I had approached another corner, and my heart went into my throat. I couldn’t sense what was around this one.

I edged closer… I couldn’t hear or smell anything this time. Puzzled, I edged forward. Then I felt it. “Aaaarrrgghhh!” I screamed, as I felt Hairy legs making their way up mine. I started shaking my legs violently whilst rushing forward. I lost my footing, and crashed to the ground. Instantly, I could feel crawling everywhere. Screaming, I jumped to my feet, thrusting my arms towards the right and ran. A few moments later, The crawling subsided, and momentarily I felt relief. I had to continue If I was to get out.

5 Fears, he said. Three to go.

I took a deep breath, and ran for it, hand still outstretched. A loud “HONK!” And an evil chuckle let me know what was next. An evil clown. His face was invisible in reality, so It could have been anyone out there, but my mind conjured up exactly what I didn’t want to imagine, and it chilled me to the core. My legs were going to jelly, but I knew I had to continue. I had to go past it.

“Stop for more than a moment, and your fears will smell you. They WILL get you!” He had said, with an evil cackle much like the clowns. Well I didn’t want that!

I continued past as quickly as I could, the clown blew a party blower slowly. That really set chills through my body, and I could feel my body wanting to throw up. It was like all my anxiety and stresses were hitting all at once. “Don’t stop! Don’t stop!” I kept muttering to myself under my breath. Sweat was pouring off my forehead, and my clothes were soaking.

“Two left” I thought to myself. The path seemed to go on for ages this time, and I was trying to wrack my brains as to what I was to expect next. Thinking about it made me realise just how many fears I had. My fingers felt the foliage run out again. It was time to turn the corner and face the next one.

Straight away I could hear what I had to face. How on earth was I to walk through this one!? ‘Sssssssss…’ The air filled with hisses and my imagination was all I had to predict how many snakes were here. Who in their right mind walks towards a load of hissing snakes anyway? I slowed up this time, not stopping, but not risking sudden movements. Tears were rolling down my cheeks as I held my breath in fear. On my highest tiptoes, and putting all my energy and focus into the sensation of the feeling of the foliage against my hand, I went on. A snake started to glide up the side of my ankle, and the feel of it’s almost oily scales made my body jolt, as if hit by lightning. I couldn’t stand it. Thrusting my hand deeper into the foliage, so as not to lose my way, I ran full pelt past the hissing snakes. I felt the snake slither back away from my ankle, and the hissing subdued as I went forward.

Last one. I had some ideas of what it could be, but the worst had been experienced already, Hadn’t they? Puzzled, I went on, feeling my way.

On… and on…

Finally I came to a corner. After a deep breath, I continued forward, and realised this was the worst fear yet. The smell of stale alcohol, the breathing pattern… It was him… Again.

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