Mr High School Heart Breaker

He stared at me and I knew I was done for. I hated him throughout highschool, he betrayed me, to be with _my bestfriend_. I never let anyone else in after him, I’m 19, and _still_. They both hurt me, more than anyone else has my whole life. The two people I thought knew me better than anything—the two people who knew every little secret about my life—_gone_—in an instant.

I never thought I’d see him again—I _never_ wanted to see him again.

My heart broke again, standing right there in class, seeing _him. _

_I need to get out of here. I panicked. It’ll be okay just wait till class is done._

_ _I took deep breathes—nothing helping me.

After class I took off, I needed to talk to my bestfriend—not the one who hurt me—but the one who fixed something she didn’t even break.

I collapsed on the floor right by my door. “How has your day been?” I asked.

“Actually pretty good, we didn’t have any assignments today, so I just worked on writing my book, then got coffee, how about you?”

I hated to make this about me, but I _needed_ her.

“So..” I Paused, my breathing hard, “He came back.”

“Who?” She asked. _Sorry forgot. Should probably clarify…. _“Mason. He’s back.”

“When!” She practically commanded.

“Today,” I took more breathes.

“Are you okay? Oh my goodness.”

I heard a door open, probably my new roommate.

“Hey, gimme one second, I need a snack,” I also added “My new roommate may be here.”

“Let me know. Going to get a snack to.” She brought her phone with her, and I did too.

_Mason_. Shoot. Shoot. Shoot. “Hey,” he said.

“Hello,” I said, turning around, from stuffing my face with granola.

“I take it I’m your new roommate?” He said, _smiling_.

Why was he smiling? Did he not know? _Oh_ _goodness_. Ugh. Get me out of here.

He seemed to talk politely, so I played along.

“Yeah, I think so. So how are you doing?”

“I’m doing good. It’s been a while,” He said, bringing in a brown box.

“Yeah it has.” I said, then crickets. Akward silence echoed the room.

“You mind if I have some?”

“Sure,” I said. Why _my_ snacks? _Rude_.

“Well, I got to go sorry, I have lots of work to do.”

“See you around,” he said. Then walked out of the room with a tiny ziplock bag of granola.

Once the coast was clear lina said, “Masons your new roommate?”


“Ironic isn’t it?” She smirked.

“Quite and utterly ironic.”

“Look, you’re going to be fine, chances are—you will _rarely_ see him.”

Days went by, and she was _wrong_. I saw him everywhere. He somehow happened to be in all of my classes, and everywhere around campus. I was _literally_ surrounded.

(Part 2 out now!!)

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