Death Chamber

A dark void swimming between the murky silence of death, worn black like the eye sockets of a skull. Mysterious, holding secrets no one dare tell. Even after death, they stay trapped behind sewn lips and sharpened teeth.

Something so far out of reach, yet so close to you. Something you run to catch, yet is always chasing you. The same thing that is nothing but everything at the same time. Confusing yet clear. Quiet, yet it yells, calling out to you from afar- or perhaps, just behind your back.

“What am I?” You hear from the pitch black darkness. It roars in anger when you don’t respond to it’s calls. Softly, your footstep lands on the chilled, grey stone floor as you take your first step down a very dark path, your fate uncertain.

“What am I?” Suddenly you plunge into a pit of darkness as the voice hisses at you again, rocketing pains into your head like lightening strikes on cracked earth.

“Death,” you whisper, a million voices echo repeats in the chamber you stand in. “You’re death and I’m human. Infected with a disease I cannot outrun and a burden I cannot carry.”

“How unfortunate,” the voice cackles, it’s mocking laughs fill the chamber as you plunge under yet another dark shadow of grief, fear and depression.

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