Write a poem about what 'Belonging' means to you.
Shiny Silver Platter
I don’t know you
Maybe I do
But I hope you feel it
There are some people who bring it out
Make it noticeable
Give it to you
On a shiny silver platter
I have people like that
There are some people who try to take it
Because they don’t have it
They don’t feel it
Don’t let them get to you
It’s so hard to find it on your own
Not impossible
But hard
It looks different for everyone
But you’ll know when you feel it
It’s like a warm hug from your best friend
Unless you don’t like hugs
Then it feels like something else you love
I found it
I’m so grateful for the people that helped me
The people that deliver it
On that shiny silver platter
Every day
I try to do it for others
I want them to feel it as much as I do
Everyone deserves it
Everyone needs it
Sometimes you may think you have it
But it’s fake
Don’t let that discourage you
It exists for everyone
I don’t know what’s next
Where I’m going
Who you are
Or how the world works
But I know that I’ll always have it
In their arms
In their heart
In the little corner
That we decorated with pink ribbons
Because that’s where it is
I hope you have a spot
A heart to rest in
Arms to hold you
A shiny silver platter
Where it will be delivered to you
By the right people
At the right time
I hope you feel it
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