A Blink Of Death

*crack* *crack* thats all i can hear as i walk along this dreamy forest, god nature is beautiful.

As i near my house I suddenly get this urge to look through the photos i took for my blog, only this time… it’s one of those urges where i can’t wait almost like my body is warning me.

Even so I continue walking, the suns about to go down and i need to get home.

As i walk inside my house everything just seems so… whats the word…. Gloomy, dark. It’s silly but it’s true. Walking to my red room to develop my pictures i feel suffocated like death is following me. My head begins to hurt.

I put the photo into my drying wrack and once again my body tenses up. I feel like im going to faint. *THUD* i fall as i lay my eyes on my developed picture. IS THAT THE GRIM REAPER (i hope everyone gets this tik tok quote)

Sorry my writing is shit i have exams so im super tored lolz

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