Hell In A Hand basket Delivered By A Cherub

Get out of my house!

I usually don’t say that anyone. No one really comes over to my house. I am secluded from this world like a prisoner in solitary confinement, but I have chosen my sentence. Each and every letter and word of it.

Hard cold blue eyes turned teary eyed like a puppy at my harsh words. Who knew such a person could break so easily. I almost felt bad for what I had done. Ashamed of the words that rolled off my lips and stuck almost like knives in the heart of what one would call a guest.

This wasn’t a guest. The blue eyed bastard was more cunning then a snake, more manipulative than a mongoose, if mongooses shared such a trait. Angels could be the devil in disguise and this baby fat cherub looking youth could have easily grown horns and walked over with a darn pitchfork. He know what he did. I could almost see the mischievous smile behind those teary eyes.

He sniffed and rubbed off the perspiration leaking from his eye wholes. I wouldn’t have been surprised if a forked tongue sprung from his mouth and hacked up the bullshit he was keeping inside.

“I’m sorry” he said

“Sorry, my ass.” I shouted my face growing hot, as i whipped the front door and slammed it in his face as hard as I fucking could.

Breathing heavy i leaned on the front door, winded with Olympic gold winning door shutting performance.

That son of a bitch knows what he did.

I’ll raise all hell and a hand basket to get him to admit what he had done.

Sleep feel on top of me like a fallen angel, now it was my time to cry with fatigue and anger.

How could he do such a thing to me. I didn’t even want to think about it as I dragged myself into bed. Hitting the bed with a thump and losing myself to cool pillows and soft blankets I feel swiftly into sleep faster than a crackhead snorting white stuff outside a Denny’s in mid July.

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