Submitted by Caralia

Write a story about someone who is famous, but their fame resulted from a tragic event.

The story could be about a day in their famous life, or could centre on how they feel about the tragic event that led to it.

She was pretty

She was pretty before. Turning heads in every room she walked in. Now, the tabloids that call her “beautiful”, pretend that she has perfect features. A million dollars for a photo session.

She was smart before. Straight A student, passionate of poetry. Now, the scientists that test her periodically, establish that her IQ has never been reached before, by a human being.

She was kind before. Never saying no when someone needed help, giving her last cent to the hungry ones, that kind! Now she gives the million dollars from her photo shooting (‘till the very last cent!) to poverty.

She was loved before. Family, friends, neighbors and, basically, everyone had a good word about her. Now she is adored, idolized, put on a pedestal and given as role model for the little girls all around the world.

She was happy before, always smiling, singing, dancing on her way to school. Now, the psychologists who analyze the changes, explain that she’s balanced, in deep peace with herself, optimistic and confident.

She was alive. Until she died in a car crash. Then, they did something amazingly new and unseen. A real progress for humanity. They implanted a chip in her dead brain, so it started functioning again. She is the AI girl, even if she believes she’s still human. Her functions depend on a very well written software.

She had faith before.

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