Eclipse of Love

In the sky so vast and wide,

The Sun and Moon, on opposite sides,

They chase each other, day and night,

In their cosmic dance, such a pretty sight.

The Sun, all warm and full of grace,

Chasing the Moon in the endless space.

But they often miss, in their cosmic race,

Their love glows on, in a secret place.

When the time is right, they finally meet,

In an eclipse, a moment so sweet.

Planets watch with wonder, their cosmic feat,

In awe of their love, so complete.

When they meet, the world takes pause,

The Sun and Moon, in each other's laws,

Their love's a light, in sweet, gentle ways,

In the sky above, through endless days.

In this tale of love, let's take a glance,

The Sun and Moon, in their cosmic dance.

In an eclipse, they find their chance,

A perfect ending to their celestial romance.

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