The main characters are stuck in a labyrinth; it has no exit, but they do not know that.

Write their story; how can such a story end?

The Turns

I look around the empty corridors. My friend Adora stands beside me. The corridor splits into two paths about ten meters away. I don’t know how we ended up here. Me and Adora just entered my house but- it wasn’t my house. It was a long corridor and we’ve been walking down it for almost an hour.

“Which way should we go?” Aradora whispers fearfully. I shrug. Both ways look identical.

“Let’s just go there.” I mutter, nodding to the left path.


We begin walking through the left path, looking back every so often. After about five minutes, something catches my attention. Writing, on the walls. It looks as if someone scratched it on. ‘There’s no way out.’ With red scribbled over top makes me shiver.

“Uhh. I don’t really like that.” Says Adora shakily. I take her hand gently and squeeze it. Whatever the heck is going on, at least we have each other. But that didn’t last long.

I turn to look at Adora, but she’s gone. My hand still feels warm as if I’m still holding hers, but she’s not there. I spin in a circle trying to locate her. She’s not there.

“Adora?” I yell into the corridor, the fear oh so clear in my voice. I speed walk back up the path, but instead of finding the the other path, I see seven more. Tears begin to prick my eyes. I’m scared and I don’t know what to do. It feels like something is behind me but when I look, there’s nothing. Eventually, I find a corner and curl up, tears spilling down my cheeks. How long I remain there, I do not know. But eventually I hear someone cry my name.

“Monica!? Monica!?” It yells. I look up and see Adora running from one of the paths towards me. Thank god. I was about to go insane. But- what the hell happend?

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