Coach’s Son

“Geez are we going to have to bring binoculars to every one of these games just to see him?”

“I guess…at least he’s not on the bench like he was last year…”

“Rob I’m serious!” Amy says frowning at her husband. “This is all because I argued about the color of the socks…I knew I should have just kept my opinions to myself…Kourtney’s son is playing 2nd base again this year.”

“Liam is a good 2nd baseman…”

“Sure he’s great at it just like Coach Carl’s son is a great pitcher and the sponsor’s son is a great 1st baseman…you know why they are such good baseball players?”

“I’m sure you are going to tell me,” Rob mutters.

“They’re such good baseball players because their parents are best friends with Coach Carl and they get extra practice time every week while our poor son ends up way out in left field!”

“Hi Amy! Hi Rob! Bobby looks great out there in the new neon green socks!” Kourtney says, passing by with her matching lawn chair, hat, cup and cooling towel.

“I personally think hunter green is classier but at least we can keep track of Bobby out there. Tell Liam congratulations on such a great position I’m sure he deserved it!” Amy calls back with a fake smile plastered on her face.

Rob raises and eyebrow and smirks at his wife. “Feel better?”

“Yes actually…”

“You know Kourtney just got promoted to the elementary school principal in the fall.” Rob strokes at his chin thoughtfully. “Which means she is going to be Bobby’s principal for at least four years…and her sister is going to be his 2nd grade teacher now and Coach Carl’s brother just took the school board member position.”

“Damn it, I hate small towns…let’s go Liam!”

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