Enemy of my Enemy

[S.C, Bloodlines. CH 9]

Everything in the room spun for a second, Cleo was right at her side. Amelya could feel a shift as Jayden looked over toward them.

“I’m gonna excuse myself. Y’all have fun” He spoke up before shooting out the door.

Pain, unrest in his thoughts. Cleo was the opposite, passion and desire filled hers.

“Can I tell you something…” Amelya started as Cleo closed the gap between them.

“Of course babe” She giggled. “You can tell me all things”

“I think something happened when I drank the blood…”

“Of course it did” Cleo laughed not grasping the full extent of her word. “You turned into a vampire, duh” Cleo’s thoughts exploded across her mind.

“I can hear thoughts….” Amelya watched as Cleo soaked in her words.

“Your messing with me right” Cleo replied.

“No, think something and I’ll tell you it”

“Amelya has a cute butt” Cleo giggled to herself as she thought about it.

“Really, first thing you think about is my butt” Cleo’s jaw dropped to the floor in disbelief. “Also almost everyone on the council dislikes our little union.” She added in.

“Wait you can read everyone’s mind?”

“Pretty much. Except for Lexi’s mothers….”

“That’s even more weird.” Cleo was as surprised as ever. “So anything I think you can hear?”

“I think so”

“That seems problematic “ Cleo shook her head. “Guess we’ll never have secrets so that’s good”

Of course they sat there for a bit, playing guess Cleo’s thoughts. Long into the we hours of the morning. When Jayden finally walked in, he was clutching two human girls. One on each arm.

“Are you stupid!” Cleo shouted, grabbing Amelya by her arm. Pulling her forcefully into the first bedroom. “Why would you bring human girls here?”

It took a few minutes before she could smell the cheap bath and body works perfume the girls reeked of. But the second she did, she could hear their heart beats, feel the blood running through their veins.

“Now I don’t have to be alone. Y’all have your half of the house I have mine. I’ll be in the basement “ Jayden called out with the slam of a door in the distance.

“I can feel their blood pumping” Amelya’s mouth hung open, her fangs growing out of her canines without an ounce of pain. “I want a taste”

“No please babe. Calm down. You’d be breaking the rules on your first night. “

“Please…. Love… just a sip” She started towards the door before the girl’s thoughts came into her head. Each thought a play by play, she wanted to be sick.

“Good, that stupid boy fell for it.” A voice thought, not one hundred yards away in the woods.

“Stupid blood suckers” Another added in.

“He’s …. “ Amelya started. “Been followed, two men it seems.”

“Great, probably the girl’s dad’s “ Cleo huffed. “I’m not breaking up their session downstairs. He can fend for himself.”

“No, they called him a bloodsucker. So this might be bad”

“Fuck. Hunter’s probably “ Cleo shook her head. “That boys gonna be the death of us. On your first night as a vampire “

“What’s a hunter? Like Sam and Dean type hunter?” Amelya didn’t like the sound of it one bit.

“God, did you really have to bring that up” Her hand rubbed her temple. “Yes kinda, I guess. They hunt all of the shadow species. Most of them regular old humans that were born into hunter families “

“If we don’t tell him, we are gonna have to fight them alone.”

Of course Amelya had a point, one day zero vampire and a non-fighter didn’t amount to much.

“I only heard two of them” Amelya was ducked behind the left front window. Trying to get a lock on any more thoughts they had.

“Let’s get in there now!” The first one cried out.

Of course they where going to run directly at the front door, no weapons. This was country wish Sam and Dean. Cleo had snuck out the back, Amelya could hear her speaking through her mind.

“Going around back, let the fat one in. Then jump him, but please don’t bit him.”

Definitely not fat shaming but the man was huge, like a line backer off the football teams. Tall and full of jello. Amelya had one chance once her knocked the door through, with a hearty kick.

“Now” Cleo thought.

Amelya lunged at him with all her strength, hitting his side and tossing him to the ground. It was like running into an air mattress filled with greasy fry oil. She was partly suppressed he ever went down.

It would have been a valiant effort from her, yet as the fat one barreled through two others followed. Both younger, one holding a blade and the other with some sort of bow.

“Jesus. No please!” The man cried out, falling into a small end table. Which couldn’t hold his weight for a second and snapped.

Stepping up to him, trying to scurry back into the couch. Her eyes had turned black, the hunger was starting to rise.

The two boys where ready for a fight. Slashing out with the blade, Amelya dodged to the side. Rolling just past one of the couches, as a bolt stuck in the cushions.

“Please I beg of you. That boys got my sister. I just” He cried out, and from the smell of the room actually soiled himself.

“Shut it fatty” Crossbow boy shouted. Signaling the other boy to flank around her.

“Amelya they aren’t “ Cleo called out coming in the front door, holding the skinny guy by the back of his neck. “No stop!” She tossed the skinny guy at the crossbow kid. Knocking him to the floor.

“Crap” Blade kid turned around, dropping his long knife.

“She’s gonna eat me! The crossbow kid bellowed, before passing out.

“Ewwww. Please don’t eat him” Cleo made a fake gagging noise and Amelya’s eyes turned back to normal. “They aren’t real hunters, yet they did call it.”

“Our parents are hunters, I’m sure they will be along any second “ The knife boy, sat on the edge of the couch.

“Ohhh really?” Cleo was confident the boys were lying.

“He is lying” Amelya could hear him, praying for a way out.

“So why? Did you come out here. Without a plan B”

“Fat boy came into my fathers shop trying to buy weapons. We thought it would be easy…. The boy who took his sister and her friend seemed tweaked out” He shook his head. “Yet I don’t see a boy or the girls. So maybe wrong place.”

“We could easily kill you…” Amelya giggled a bit, trying to sound evil.

“How about we make you a deal?” Cleo had assembled the knocked out dudes outside the front door.

“Like what?” He questioned while Amelya started playing with his blade. “Don’t touch the blade, it’s treated and will harm you”

“We let you go… you just forget we’re here” Cleo just walked towards Amelya.

“Why? We could bring hunters here to kill you?”

“What’s your name kid?” Cleo asked, holding on to Amelya as her eyes flashed black for a second.

“Newton….. I go by Newt…”

“We can help you take them as far as the roads… not farther”

“Ok, our secret “

A half an hour later and the girls where rushing home. Annoyed with Jayden for sure, all of it due to his stupidity.

“Another life altering situation, come to pass” Cleo laughed, skidding to a halt next to the bedroom door.

“Yeah. I see that” Amelya giggled a bit as Jayden came out the basement wrapped in a towel.

“What the heck happened here?” He looked from the broken front door, to the blade, then the crossbow laid out on the coffee table.

“A party thanks to you. Why would you even think it was a good idea to bring humans around?” Cleo scolded.

“I wasn’t wrong. Even on day one it seems she’s already got a hold on the hunger” Jayden laughed a little. “Like I had a hold on both those girls” He thought to himself and Amelya glared at him.

“Your nasty. Hope it was fun” Amelya shot him an annoyed glance and took off toward her room for the remainder of their stay.

“Yeah your on clean up” Cleo had held the door open as Amelya slipped past.

Once inside the room, Amelya was laying on the bed. Looking at the door as Cleo walked in. The room was fairly average sized;a few dressers, a flat screen tv on the wall, a large mirrored vanity in the corner. Definitely built for a female.

“You think they will tell?” Amelya asked putting on her pajamas.

“Nope, I think we just made a hunter friend” Cleo stripped, grabbing boy shorts from the drawer closest to her.


“We weren’t like the stories that were told to him”

“I guess your right”

Topless Cleo jumped onto Amelya on the bed. Holding her close for a kiss, before being pushed off.

“Gotta buy me dinner first. I’m not that type of girl” Amelya giggled, flicking after Cleo’s exposed nips.

“Leave ‘‘em alone” She cried out hiding under the blanket.

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