Write a story where an object that is inconspicuously mentioned early on is a key element of the plot towards the end of your story.

Using an object is an easy way to foreshadow an idea, but you could also try using something else like dialogue, or another character, to foreshadow your plot.

Jewelry Boxes

As I looked at my jewelry box I smiled, “Princess K.” Was written on it, I sat down on my bed and flopped backwards, I sighed. Long days where the worst- “Dinners ready!” I heard my dad scream, “I’m coming!” I said back, I walked downstairs calm and composed, I’d never opened my jewelry box before, my mom told me before she died that until I was eighteen I wasn’t allowed to open it. “Evening.” I said my my brothers, “Afternoon fair lady.” My older brother Drake said. I smiled at him, the kind of smile that people need to smile every now and then, “Where’s JJ?” I asked to my dad, “He’s out with some friends.” He responded, “And Willow?” I asked about my younger sister, “Sick. She’s at Nanas.” He responded chilly, my eighteenth birthday was tomorrow and I couldn’t wait to open my box. After dinner I cleaned off the table and went straight to bed.

In the morning I opened my box, nothing was in there that I could see, suddenly I started coughing. I had unleashed a deadly fungus.

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