Inspired by Kail Cleo
Create a story by writing multiple diary entries from your character (or multiple characters intertwined).
Try to make each entry build from the last to add to the storyline. If you switch perspective, make it clear that it's someone else's journal.
Confessions of a Diary
(Amy) Dear diary,
I know it’s been a while, but I’m totally back. I moved out of moms house she was a total drunk so I moved in with dad. I’m finally getting settled in at dad’s house. I think I’m going to like it here.
(John) Diary,
I don’t know why mom got me this stupid thing. She says I need to manage my anger better. Well, this is making me angry bye.
(Kiki) Dear diary,
This year gonna be good girl. We finna get drunk, and we fucking all the boys. I cant wait to fuck Eric I heard he got a big dick.
(Amy) Dear diary,
So, dad like totally has a new girlfriend and he didn’t tell me and she’s kind of a bitch. She totally told me not to walk on the grass, like it’s my dad’s grass ugh.
(John) Diary,
I hate you mom, your such a bitch! How dare you take my fucking phone and tell me to get a job! You get another job bitch.
(Kiki) Dear diary,
I kissed Darrick in the boys bathroom today it was lame and his breath stank ick. I tried to put my hand down his pants but he stopped me he must got a lil one.
(Amy) Dear diary,
I’m having like the worst day of my life! Totally after school I stepped in like some mud, in my totally brand-new Gucci Signoria’s those were like thousand-dollar shoes, totally trash. Then I like get home totally barefoot by the way and this lady like tells me to take the trash out, as if. Like you take it out, she totally pours it all over my bed. Those were like totally my first Vittoria Collection 2,500 hundred dollars, totally trash. Like I’m not staying here anymore, I’m totally calling my boyfriend and like I’m leaving.
(John) Diary,
I fucked up, I really fucked up bad. No she deserved it yea she deserved it. She should have tried to take my PlayStation and I wouldn’t have hit her, yea. And when she yelled at me to stop, I blacked out. I didn’t even know I beat her with a bat so that’s not my fault. I’m going to call the cops and tell them someone broke in and beat her unconscious, and broke both of her legs, and smashed her face in, and flattened her ankles yea I’m going to call them now
(Kiki) Dear diary,
Omg yo my moms going to kill me. I shouldn’t of had sex with all them boys. I make a appointment to go to the doctors because my pee smelled funny they done told me I got every STD under the sun herpes, chlamydia, gonorrhea, and HIV. But when they was done telling me this shit they gone turn around and tell me I having a baby. I don’t want no baby, I cant take care of no baby I gotta get rid of this baby. I cant let my mom found out she’s gonna kill me.