Describe the feeling of somberness without using closely related synonyms such as stern, depressed, or sad.

Try to use a variety of metaphorical devices to create an image that emits a sense of somberness.

This Too Shall Pass

Imagine you’re in a dark, and quiet room. The walls are bare, it’s only you alone with your thoughts. Imagine your thoughts as a faucet dripping slowly drip by drip into a sink that is plugged. Now one day the drips become violent, and suddenly raging drops of ice cold black droplets fill the sink full until it finally overflows and the droplets are not water from the faucet, they are tears dripping heavily from your desolate eyes. Your thoughts are hurricanes, bashing and banging around inside your sorrowful mind. WAR! You are once again at war with your self fighting battling screaming silently in your head. Yet, amongst the violence, you find your peace as you still have hope that you’ll be okay because all storms pass if you close your eyes and breathe.
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