Write a story where a misunderstanding leads to bad consequences.
It could be a small part of your story, or the whole plot could depend on it.
Eiva Or Averaz
This is for a story I am writing! It might not make so much sense though.
I don’t get it. Why are the people of Katahera moving towards my kingdom? I thought they were sent to Eiva to protect the outer villages. My kingdom is well protected and ready if Kaeto arrives. But Eiva is just so big and doesn’t have enough to protect all of it. That’s why I sent Tunie a message to send some of her people to the largest kingdom. But obviously there’s been some misunderstanding. I run up to the general who’s leading the group.
“Excuse me, I thought we were going to Eiva?” I ask quietly. The general shakes his head.
“Tunie gave us orders to go to Averaz.” He says, not looking at me.
“I sent Tunie a message to go to Evian though,” I begin. “Unless she misunderstood… she doesn’t really know there other kingdom names…” I mutter. Suddenly I freeze. We still haven’t caught the spy, and this is the perfect chance to attack Evia since it’s already weaker from the last attack. I wheel around. Evia is in big danger right now.
I sprint through the group, looking for Aysha and Fey. I spot a glimpse of red hair and run in that direction. I crash into my friends.
“Talon what the hell!” Cries Aysha, getting her balance.
“Something went wrong. Tunie is sending everyone to Averaz. There’s still the spy. Eiva might be attacked any second now.” I say in a rushed way.
“Can we talk to Tunie?” Asks Fey, concern etched on his face. I shake my head.
“By the time we explain and send her people to Eiva, it could be gone already. We need to go now.” I explain. I pull out my spear a open my wings to take flight. Maybe it’s just my paranoia, but it feels like my Divine senses are sensing something bad.
And they were right.