Prom Time

A black-haired guy swings a girl with a ponytail past the entrance doors. A few other people do the same around the room. Forest cautiously steps through the doors. She glances around a bit before spotting him. He's laughing with a cup of punch in his hand. Forest slowly approaches him and he turns his head toward her. Her long, flowy green dress lightly brushed the floor. The straps left enough to cover the front and left a small hole in the back. He pushes his cup into one of his friend's chests. The guy takes it and glances at another guy. That guy just shrugs. Bear bows and holds his hand out for Forest to take. She giggles a bit and puts her hand on it. He stands tall and pulls her close. Forest smiles and looks at the floor. Just then, a slow song comes on, and Forest stares into his ocean-blue eyes. They slowly press their foreheads together and move like everyone else. After a few minutes, the person in control of the music raises his voice.

"For this next one..." Everyone in the room falls silent. "We got a song called Cause You're The One."

Forest turns her head to the guy, then back to Bear. "Can that be our song?" She asks.

Bear doesn't say anything. He just looks into her eyes until the music starts.

"Yes." He finally says.

Forest smiled and was suddenly pulled away from Bear. The black-haired boy from before stood in front of her. She smiled at him. He smiled back. The girl with the ponytail next to them saw it and pulled Forest away. The boy rolled his eyes and followed them. Bear left the girl he was with and followed as well. One of the boys moved to one of the girls and the other guy moved to the other girl.

The ponytail girl stopped beside the concessions table and forced Forest to stand in front of her. "Why'd you look at him like that, huh? He's *mine*, not yours."

The boy walked up and grabbed the girl's shoulder. "Rylee, relax. She was just trying to be friendly."

Rylee turned to him and stopped glaring at Forest. "But Ravi!" She whined. "You know I don't like it when anyone looks at you that way! For all I know they could be flirting!"

The Ravi guy rolled his eyes again. "It's *Prom*, Rylee. Everyone is with someone here. No one came here alone. And again..." He glances behind him at Forest.

Forest peeked a bit out from behind Bear. "Forest." She whispered.

Ravi turns back to Rylee. "And again, Forest was just trying to be friendly. Now, say it."

Rylee sighed. "Fine. She was just trying to be friendly." She looks at Forest. "But if she ever does it again..." She moves her hand up to her neck and slides her finger across.

Forest whimpers from behind Bear.

"Don't threaten her like that," Bear growled.

Rylee drags Ravi away. Ravi passes a quick apologetic look back at them both.

Bear stares after them before turning to Forest. She looks back up at him. Suddenly, people begin to crowd around them and push them closer to the center of the crowd. Forest yelps as she is pushed into the center. Bear just angrily curses at the people.

Forest quickly pulls him away from them so they don't get furious.

Behind them, the person managing the music stops it. Everyone turns toward the front. The principal goes onto the stage and takes a microphone.

"It's the time of night to vote for our Prom King and Queen." He announces. "There is a table with tiny slips of paper and pens. You write your votes on the paper then put them onto the boxes at the front table here." He points to it before going on. "The blue is for the King; the pink is for the Queen. Go!"

Everyone immediately rushes for the paper and pens.

"Oh, and one more thing, you *cannot* and I repeat *cannot* vote for yourselves. If you do, you will be removed from voting." The principal added.

A few people grumbled, but most didn't.

Forest and Bear made their way to the table and grabbed two papers and pens.

Forest turned to Bear. "Who are we going to vote for?" She asked.

Bear glanced at her. "I know what you want me to say and I'm not saying it."

"Come on, please!" She begged. "We don't have anyone else to vote for!"

"Fine, I'll vote for Ravi, you vote for Rylee." He rolled his eyes and wrote Ravi's name down.

Forest giggled and wrote her name down quickly.

When they were both finished, they slipped their pens back into the cups and went to the front to put their papers in the boxes. Then they both took a few steps back into the crowd.

After a few minutes of waiting, everyone had finished voting. The principal grabbed the boxes and took them into a backroom. The DJ turned the music back on.

The room began dancing again. Forest took Bear's hand and spun him. She giggled when he stumbled to a stop. He quickly grabbed her and pulled her close. She kissed him and lingered her lips there until the principal came out of the room with a new slip of paper and two crowns.

"They're was a close tie." The principal announced through the microphone. "But we have our winners..." He opens up the paper and reads it. "Our Prom King is..."

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