
The Outcast

Write a story or poem with this as the title

The Outcast

(Warning could be triggering)

She was always alone. No one spoke to her. No one even looked at her. She tried to speak but no one could hear her. She was alone. She had no friends and no family. Not a single soul to care for her. But quietly she cared for others. Healing them when they were hurt. Giving them a shoulder to cry on. Even though they didn’t know it was her. Seeing them happy was the only joy in her life. She knows the small acts of good she does will be worth it in the end. She wants to earn her wings. She only has one job left. A case named Angela Roberts. She was suicidal and was all alone. That night the angel rushed to the side of Angela. “Why are you doing this,” said the Angel holding her breath hoping the girl wouldn’t jump. Angela, without looking back said, “You would never understand my pain. You live in a world where things are always good. You never have to feel pain and soon enough I will be there with you.” “Don’t do it. I know right now it may seem like no one is there for you, but believe me even when are alone you will always have someone looking out for you.” “Someone like you? I need someone real, someone who I could call and they’d come right away. Someone who isn’t invisible.” “I know it’s hard to understand right now, but soon enough you will see that people care for you.” Angela took a deep breath and backed away from the ledge. The angle walked with the girl all the way home. “Thank you for your kindness I wouldn’t be alive without it,” said Angela. She hugged the angel goodbye and walked into the front door. The angel could hear sighs of relief and cries coming from the house where Angela lived. The angel looked into the window and saw the family close together in a hug. Some crying and some not. All seemed happy to see her. Then angel had gotten her wings and went back to her home in the sky. Although, every now and again the angel checks up on Angela to make sure she was alright.

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