You are on date, and your date has arranged to abseil down a building. You have a huge fear of heights, yet want to impress them.

Focus on your character's emotion and what completing the task could mean for them.

But How Could I Back Out?

Not even those eyes-

those deep, glistening eyes

could calm me.

But how could I back out?

He knew I didn’t like heights.

Does he hate me?

“Uhmm- Alek?”, the words slipped from my mouth.

“Yes, Laila”, his warming voice echoed in my head.

“If we don’t make it out alive….

Alek I love you.”

“Laila I’ve loved you from the moment I first saw you!”

I wanted to kiss him. Almost

“Now get up here, we have a wall to abseil down!”, he was so cute when he smiled.

I held his hand at the top of the building.

And we jumped.


The whole thing was a bit rushed. Kinda got bored after a while 😜

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