Baker, Let’s Try Something New

We were sitting by the beach in the sun set. The sun was reflecting over the ocean and the people on the beach roamed around in some sort of restless abandon. Their children and pets ran wild and squealed in excitement. Some people were bubbled up in under tents engrossed in conversation with laughter bursting sporadically every once and again; Gosh! What on earth were they talking about??

Jenny and I sat by the shore on the rough coarse sand. Besides us were empty glasses of cocktails and drinks, with leftover finger foods. We had been there for a while hanging out. Our conversation had derailed over several topics as interesting conversations usuallly do. We gossiped over martinis about the new art exhibition coming up, we almost choked on our foods when we were discussing the upcoming comedy show at Ben’s.

The comedian, bless his heart was so awful, that ironically his awful comedy became the greatest comedy act. So our conversatiobs went on ti what it has become…. How do we rob a bank?

There was a new bank in the plaza of Crystal’s. Nail saloon. We usually get out nails done every two weeks there for the past 2 years so we are quite familiar with the area. “I’d imagine that they would have sufficient security. It is a bank after all.” Jenny quipped. She was right, although the back was new to the area, security would still be tight. “Do you reckon as an exit plan, we dress up as me to set up a red herring.” “Maybe Lexie, or we could pay some men to do the actual robbery.” That would be too risky” I said. “We should try a virtual robbery. Everything has been virtual these days, why can’t this?” Jenny asked

“Like a cyber attack? Jenny, we would have to have an intimate knowledge of the banking system. We probably have to work there and all.” I laughed because the conversation was becoming all so ridiculous.

” There is no problem in that.” Jenny fired back. “ This is a small town. Anyone can get away with anything here with a modicum of intelligence. Besides, we have nothing else to do.”

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