Infiltrate the gala, swap the codes, and avoid the charming spy. You thought your instructions were simple...


I ruffled the scarlet skirts clinging to my ankles and sucked another painstaking breath.

Corsets truly weren't for the faint of heart.

"I need eyes, Harrison," I grumbled. "Get me to the case so I can swap the codes and get out of this blasted place."

Harrison's amused snort crackled through my earpiece. "What, you aren't cut out for the fancy life?"

"Not funny."

"Okay, okay. Doctor Mathis has the briefcase. See him? I'm transferring visual."

A moment later, my contact lens circled a bullseye around the head of a man with slick black hair. His mustache curled over his lips, giving him the appearance of a Victorian era gentleman.

Not that this place was too far from "Victorian era", as my corset so gently reminded me.

"Got it. Give me five minutes."

"You have three."

I rolled my eyes, stepping out from my secluded corner of the room.

My steps were quick and light, steady on their set course.

At least my dress was long enough to allow me to wear tennis shoes. Goodness knows I'd break an ankle in heels.

The breeze from movement was a welcome grace to my sticky skin after waiting in the stuffy corner.

Almost there. Three more steps. Then I could work my... magic.

My shoulder bumped into another.

"My apologies, I should've-" I stopped mid sentence, blood turning to ice.

"Goodness, Celeste. Haven't you ever learned to watch where you're going?" Deep brown eyes gazed at me from a face lightly dusted with freckles, and perfectly combed hair.


I stumbled for words. I only had one shot; I couldn't mess this up. "Ethan. It's been a while, hm? I see you haven't changed."

He smirked, and his eyes twinkled just like they always had. "Neither have you, still spying for the agency."

"I am doing no such thing!" I said incredulously,. In my peripheral vision, Doctor Mathis took hold of his case and walked across the room. My insides squirmed. This was the *last* thing I needed right now.

Ethan clicked his tongue. "Celeste, you know you can't lie to me." His eyes flickered away from me, following Doctor Mathis. "The government wants what's in that case. You can't have it."

"The government wants more power. They're destroying lives, Ethan. *You* can't have it. I won't let you."

He cocked an eyebrow, "Oh? We'll see about that." He adjusted his tie and strode swiftly away.

My pulse thundered in my ears. I had *one* job... and I blew it.

Unless... I hadn't.

"Harrison," I barked, "it's time to go rogue."

"What? You're serious?" His voice reached a pitch that shouldn't have been possible for a sixteen year old. "*Finally* I get to use this thing!" I heard him fumbling with something. "Give me five minutes." He snickered.

I smirked, "you have three."

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