One Last Goodbye

I stared at the ceiling then down again at my hospital bed. Every time I looked at was a reminder of the looming deadline of my expiration. It’d been three months since the incident and though I had lived longer than expected, my time was soon to come. As I lay there i cold almost feel the cold grip of Thantanos as he tried to rip my soul from my body. As far as I knew, the hades himself would walk in any moment and personally escort me to the bowls of underworld. I was scared of death, scared of what would happen but at this point I would rather leave than be here in this prison cell of a hospital. I could hear the blood pressure monitor beeping to notify the doctors that it was dangerously low. My vision slowly faded and with it went the sliver of hope I had left that I would survive and make it out of here. The beeping got more and more muffled as my hearing slipped away into the hands of the after life. The last thing to go was the feeling of the scratchy hospital gown on my skin. I could hear voices except they weren’t through my ears. I felt a sort of relief as a felt my soul slowly ascend leaving my body down on earth I glanced back with recently renewed vision and said goodbye one last time.

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