
Sweat drips from my eyebrows down my face. A loud bang sounds through your the alley as the door slams.

I rush off without hesitation with no regard to who saw me. My body shaken to its core.

Why? Why lie about something like that? Is it even true? No it can’t be I need to know.

A bright light shines in the corner of my eye. In an instant I drop to the floor scraping the skin off my elbow. The adrenaline in me overpowers the pain.

Footsteps splash in the rain as I see a shadow approach outlined by the orangish hue beaming from the street light above it.

“Nah, we’re good,”

The shadow fades with swiftness and sprints into the building once more.

The pain starts to settle in as I attempt to lift myself off the ground. The rain burning in the wound.

The long painful sprint to my large home was well worth as the smiles of my children warm my heart.

The coldness sinks in again as the thought of what I’ve just learned works it way back up into my thoughts.

A lound crash at the door sets off my instincts, instantly grabbing my two sons and sprinting upstairs.

Armed men get to me faster then I could climb dragging us all down the stairs ending the night in tragedy.

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