Craft a story where each sentence begins with the successive letter of the alphabet, starting with A.

The story can be about whatever you like, but try to make it coherent and logical as you carefully choose words to start each sentence.

Ignorance Is A Treat; Kindness Kills

A speck of life sits between us.

Before we choose what to pick for it, we must decide.

Choose which reality to hand it over to.

Demise and Death?

Ecstasy and Elightment?

Four choices, and more, that bring out the outcome of the human race

Getting into life isn’t so straightforward anyway.

Hell, I don’t know why we even try.

“I know,” you say, “but I don’t know how you’d feel.”

Just tell me.

“Kind words lift up a human; they like being thought of.”

Looking away from the speck of light, I groan.

My, my, how boring.

Nobody even knows that this part of living exists.

Oh, how bliss ignorance sounds to me; past, present, future all erased from my mind.

Perhaps, I respond, but really, we are killing them by doing this.

Question walks upon your face. “What do you mean?”

Right there, I point at a space in the time, a human who we granted fame and riches is killing themselves with a gun in their bedroom.

“So,” you say unfazed, “that’s not all the humans, I mean look at her.”

Turning my head to the time strand you’re pointing at, I see a human helping the less fortunate.

Um, I tap my lip, then smile. They’ll die by the same people smashing their head with the exact cane they supplied them with. Humans are such greedy creatures.

Vice is such a common characteristic of humanity. Even those who think themselves superior to the rest.

“Why must you think this way?” You groan. “Not all human beings act the way that you are describing.”

Xylograph exists, so maybe you’re right.

You shake your head. “You’re thinking of the wrong thing. It’s not what just they do; it’s how they act. It’s better than how you see them.

Zero morals, I say, that is all they have. They better be glad that I can’t mess around in their realm.


_(This was something else. Rarely do I have to go researching for a word. It doesn’t make sense towards the end, sorry. Also go search up xylograph yourself. Thanks for reading!)_

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