Take the first line from a book and use it to begin a poem.
Try to choose a book at random and challenge yourself to write the poem around it, instead of planning to choose a book based on your poem idea.
Run For Life
I am running.
I am running from the truth,
For I cannot bear it.
I am running for my country,
For I cannot save it.
I am running to my people,
Or at least trying to.
I can’t run, I can’t do anything.
For my world is collapsing,
And I cannot save it.
I am running from my tears,
For it will drown me.
I am running, I am running,
Is there a way to recover from extinction?
Is there a way to recover?
For my legs are tired from running.
I doubt there is a way to recover,
So that is why I run.
And why my country must run for it’s life.
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