Age of Love

When someone reaches the age of 18, theyā€™re finally able to feel love. Their hearts open up and they can experience other people and the emotions they offer. Everyone dreams of their first loveā€¦ Man, boy, woman, girl, and of course anything in between; No matter who you were, you would find love at 18.

Today, is finally my day. August 20th, when I was born 18 years ago, to my beautiful mother and my father who has always been a mystery.

"Iā€™ve dreamed of loving someone since I was likeā€¦ 3" I laughed and my friend, Marley, nodded along with me.

"As everyone does, Callum." She shook her head. What if I loved her? Marley Kory, my best friend who Iā€™ve known since I was in Kingergarten. Sheā€™s decent looking, pretty brown hair and dark brown eyes to match. Iā€™ve always had a connection with her, I mean why else would we be friends?

"Nuh uh, a lot of people donā€™t really care to find love as soon as they turn the age." I shrugged and took a sip of my iced tea.

"Wellā€¦ Okay yeah, just you Cal." She laughed as she also took a drink of whatever she had ordered. She took me out for my birthday, a small drink bar that was just on the beach that we lived on. It was a normal sunny afternoon, but I could tell, everything was going to change.

"I wonder who Iā€™ll meet. I wonder who is going to be my first love." I daydreamed about meeting a pretty girl, maybe someone I knowā€¦ Or some stranger Iā€™ll find in the strangest of circumstances. Ah, what a dream this is.

"Pfft, youā€™re too excited." Marley sipped on her drink.

We both joked around a bit more before we hugged goodbye and I was off on my next calling for my wonderful birthday.


"Happy birthday my baby boy!" My mother placed a soft kiss on my forhead as she ran her fingers through my hair, I couldnā€™t help but laugh out of slight embarrassment.

"Happy birthday Cal."

"Yeah, hbd `Calcium`." Both of my older brothers said. Of course Erin had some stupid ass joke to make over my name.

"Be nice Erin." My mom huffed before we continued on with the day.

I wished for something, for love, when I blew out the 18 candles on top of my strawberry cake that my mama made for me.

As the candlesā€™ flames went out I could feel the change within my body. On a childā€™s 18th birthday, when they blow out their candles on the exact time when they were born, thatā€™s when the oxytocin is released within you. Causing your heart to beat differently, and your mind to see the world in a more rose tinted lense. I waited for this exact time since I was born. Iā€™ve always been in-love with the idea of loveā€¦ And now I finally can.

"How youā€™ feel kiddo?" My other brother Ren asked as he placed his arm around my shoulder.

"The same to be honest, but different in a way." I laughed just looking around the room at my family.

We celebrated for a while longer.

The sun began to set and the wind picked up as the night began to roll in. Ren and Erin went back to their apartment awhile after I blew out the candles. My mom sat watching ā€˜The Bachelorā€™ on TV, as she usually did on Tuesdays. I changed into a pair of shorts and my favorite black zip-up and walked out to the beach.

The ocean breeze was perfect, salty and crisp. It was truly, my perfect night. I began to lose track of my thoughts, and it twisted into me feeling anxious.

I am an anxious person, I get in my head and then everything around me crumblesā€¦ As if the weight of my own imaginitive outcomes are bearing down on me and I forget how to breathe.

`What if I canā€™t love?`, `What will happen if I never meet someone?`, `I canā€™t love, Iā€™m my fatherā€™s child.` Fears upon fears raced through my head, I canā€™t fathom not loving, I canā€™t even begin to feel anything of the sorts.

"Hey!" What if I never love?

"Blondie!?" What if I never meet anyone what if Iā€™m doomed by the people who gave me life what if everything iā€™ve dreamed of isnā€™t even in the cards for me?


My breath shortened as I looked up at the person in front of me. What was going on?

"Are you okay?" The blurred person asked, I could hear them, but I canā€™t see and I canā€™t feel, I canā€™t breathe.

"Hey just, come take a seat. Try counting with me.." The person took my arm and drug me through the sandy beach, at some point I had sat down. Everythings a blur, I canā€™t see anything, am I even still on the beach? Who is this person?

"Good, just breathe in, and out slowly. Everything is okay, you are okay." The picture of the guy became clearer. Rome Kory. It was Roman Kory who was sitting beside me, the older brother of my best friend.

"Roman..?" My head pounded as I slowly caught my breath, wheezing through each breath.

"Hey blondie. You doinā€™ alright?" It was strange of him to ask. Me and Rome never got along, he hated my guts, would always make fun of me and was my older brotherā€™s best friend. I always hated him. Iā€™ve always hated him.

"No, obviously not, genius." I rolled my eyes in annoyance,

"Man just saved you from passing out and you still have enough energy to be a dick." The brunette laughed with a scoff hidden in it.

I blinked, waking up from the panic. Roman was sitting on my left, looking out into the dark sky that met with the dark sea.

His curly brown hair blew with the wind that wooshed around in the air. His jawline was perfect, he had a few small veins visible in his neck along with his butterfly tattoo.. His body was outlined by the light from the moon, and the loose tank top he was wearing was moving slightly along with the wind. His vine tattoo down his arm was always a crowd favorite.

Rome was a painting youā€™d go to see at a museum.

"Youā€™re staring. Blondie." His voice touched the inside of my body, my face flushed, I hadnā€™t even realized he knew I was up.

"Shit- no I wasnā€™t." I cleared my throat as I looked around at anything but him. But somehowā€¦ My eyes always led back to him.

"Happy birthday, by the way." He mumbled with a small smile along his face.

His happy birthdayā€” Made me happier than any of the ones I had gotten today.

"T-thanks." I could just imagine how second hand embarrassing that stutter was.

"Pfft, youā€™re pathetic, yā€™know Callum?" The way he said my name, sent shivers down my spine.

What is this? Whatā€™s wrong with me? I hate Roman. I donā€™t even like to be around him, let alone talk to him. It made me sick to the stomach thinking I was sitting here with himā€¦

Yet I canā€™t bring myself to go away. The ache in my chest wasnā€™t like anything Iā€™d felt before. Of course me and Rome were around each other a lot, heā€™s my best friendā€™s older brother, however I never felt anything aside from that hate for him.

He mocked me constantly, making fun of my looks, my voice, my grades in school, how much shorter I was than him, my style, just honestly anything he could think of. Why would he even care? Why do I care?

Heā€™s almost 4 years older than me. Heā€™s known me since I was little, considering he was my brotherā€™s best friend.

But the way his curls framed his face, the way his dark eyes and long eyelashes complimented his tan skin tone, how his jaw and his tattoos were practically staples of the way Roman looksā€¦ I couldnā€™t stop myself.

I turned over and took his face, and before I could even think or stop myself, I connected out lips.

"What the hell?" The guy pushed me back and I stayed leaned into him as he just looked into my eyes. What did I just doā€¦ _Fuck impulsivity_.

He reconnected with me. This time more passionately.

_Damn it_. Why did he have to show up tonight? Why did this happen?

Why am I currently making out with someone whoā€™s not only 4 years older than me, but also my brotherā€™s best friend and MY best friendā€™s brother.

But, we didnā€™t stop.

{Roman & Callum, this is just the beginning <3}

{End! TBC(?)}

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