The Prophet

There are a few rules to seeing the future. Rule number one, you only get glimpses, joy the full picture. Rule number two, you can’t see other Prophets in the future. And rule number three, there are more than one paths and roads in future, so just because you see something doesn’t mean it’ll necessarily happen. It just means it’s one of the possible outcomes. So I was minding my business, reading tarot cards and peering into a crystal ball to see people’s futures, when the strangest thing happened. I had a vision. No, that wasn’t the strange thing. The strange thing was that it wasn’t a visual vision. I couldn’t only hear, not see. And the audio was freaky. All I could hear were growls. So I thought, okay, that’s weird. But I continued my day as usual, and forgot all about it. Until the next day, when a literal DEMON walked into my shop. Yes, you heard me right. A DEMON. True, all the demons supposedly went extinct years ago, but apparently not! So yeah, a demon walked into my shop. And usually I would seen this in the future! Like, really seen, not just heard. So obviously, I whipped out my magic and imprisoned it on the spot. But I was confused about how it had managed to evade my predictions. Clearly it wasn’t another Prophet, since it was a demon, but how else would I not have been able to see it? I’ll update you when I have more knowledge, I guess.

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