The Masked man

Trapped in the woods by the evil masked man

Who holds an ax in the palm of his hand

He creeps on by as I sit in my cage

Can’t make a sound or he’ll show his true rage

His feet thud loudly as he slinks to his tent

As he starts to snore, it sounds heaven-sent

My heartbeat is rapid, I need to be quick

I can’t look now, I might be sick

I jimmy the lock just enough it falls down

I pray he’s still sleeping and didn’t hear a sound

After a moment, I hear him still snore

I open the cage, shaking to my core

I start to sprint and head toward the lake

I pray the whole time that he doesn’t awake

I see the water ahead and believe I am freed

But I didn’t account for his unbelievable speed

Despite the fact that the land is covered in fog

I didn’t consider his trusty old dog

One little bark alerted the evil masked man

Who grabbed me up in the palm of his hand

He managed to snag me in the blink of an eye

Now back to the cage where I will surely die

He throws me in and once again I sit here

Waiting and waiting for my chance to appear

Days go by without another soul around

Waiting again for his snores to sound

This time though, there’s no more tears

Because at this rate, it has been years

Every few days I try another escape

For my one chance to get to the lake

But He always manages to bound ahead

I regret with my all that I’d rather be dead.

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