by Florentina Amon @

Write a story or poem titled "Freedom".


If it’s the last thing I do, I’m going to get these girls out of here.

And it very well might be the last thing I do.

I’ve seen girl ls try to escape before. They never made it past the first fence. Could have something to do with the armed guards, or the pack of highly trained guard dogs.

“You’re all going to have to follow my lead, and do what I say.” I look around at the three terrified young girls sitting on the floor in front of me. Their clothes are dirty,l and ripped from travel. Most come to me from across the boarder, having spent hours crammed into a cargo box.

The three girls nod in unison.

“Good. This won’t be easy. If we manage to sneak past the guards, we’ll have to travel on foot until we reach the nearest city.” I get out of my chair and make my way to the door.

I motion to the girls to follow, and one by one they line up behind me.

“Keep your heads down and look at the floor.”

I take a deep breath and open the door. I see the flashing blue lights of the cargo truck arriving. That means a new shipment of girls has arrived. The Warden will be busy surveying his new stock.

I strut confidently out the door with the girls walking close behind me. It’s dead quiet in the hall save for the soft clicking of the clock.

The exit is just around the corner. Then the hard part begins.

To be continued….

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