Submitted by Lola

Create a descriptive passage or poem depicting the very first moments of a crush forming.

I Can’t Find Any Rhymes

At first it’s just a thought, but it quickly becomes obsessive. It’s always so many thoughts.

I could recall every mannerism and speech pattern with ease- ask me.

I could write poem after poem but I can’t find anything that rhymes with his name.

I sit observing, because I’m too scared to talk. It isn’t that I’m too scared to talk, but what to say?

Math, Social Studies, P.E., each class we have together blurs into one. In the library, he’s there, too.

Four more months.

Of course, I’m sure I’ll procrastinate those four months and waste each day by simply sitting, stupid.

Time, time, seconds tick by. I still can’t think of anything to rhyme with his name:

With a ‘K’ at the start, ‘N’ to finish it, and an ‘A’ in the centre, with all sorts of vowels and consonants in between.

The way he eats soup; walks to class; writes this notes. It’s all stored vividly in my memory. I can’t remember my Science test but I can recall the one time we talked, word for word.

The only rhymes I can think of so far: Mason Jar.

Make a poem out of that.

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