
If silence had a scent it would smell like fresh cookies

And baked brownies

Because when the anger of the night consumes me far more than I would wish

I bake

I beat the yolks of my irritation

Into the powder of my sadness

Until the whites of my clenched fists are well combined with the all-purpose fields of my unbloomed dreams

I throw the water from the tears I never let out into the mixture

Then I force the oils of my stubborn skin and my tears to mix fully

Until well combined

I mix all of my irritation



And stubbornness

Into one

Until well combined

Toss them all in the oven

Until I can no longer tell that all of the ingredients to my emotions were once apart

Until all of the ingredients turn into something


And a dark rich brown

I let them cool off before addressing them again

And then I go to the kitchen once more

To cut


Cut into small little squares

As I try to forget about my emotions

And my life

But now I’ve turned my horrible

Uncomfortable feelings

Into something delicious

A _very_ delicious


I honestly loved making this and I’m kinda proud of it.

Thank you for reading and thank you for being here.

You are loved 💙

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