
Perspective is everything on a sunny afternoon surrounded by by laughing children and wary mothers this playground would seem a world away from what it was now. The swings where parents would push their bundles of joy into the sky sat desolate in the dusk light, the chains creaking in the soft breeze. Towers of the climbing frame pierced the sky as if it were draining the light from it, plunging the world into dark. But darkness was her home it wrapped around her like a cloak warm and loving, the wind sturred tendrils of her auburn hair tickling her face and neck.

“How will we know where this is all supposed to go down?” Zade’s voice cut through the quiet.

“Trust me you will know, I saw this park in my vision, we’re close just let me concentrate.” Ada grumbled.

Closing her eyes she sank into herself falling through dark waters, waiting, watching.


A small vibration through the water pulses.

“To the left!”

Ada took off in a run not waiting to see if Zade followed, reaching the edge of the field where a tree line created a dark smudge concealing the creature within.

She paused assessing as Zades light footsteps and breaths came to a stop beside her.

“Well what fresh hell this evening is turning out to be.”

Ada cut her eyes to his deep brown meeting grey, her face must have shown her thoughts because he cocked a dark brow.

“Just trying to break the tension.” His hands held up placatingly.

“Try not to die, I don’t want to have to explain it to the others.” She rolled her shoulders and pulled her daggers out of their sheaths.

“Only cause they’d think you did it on purpose.” Zade pulled his staff and extended it, a smirk playing on his lips.

Before Ada could respond a shrill cry broke whatever sense of safety they had conjured, thicking the air between them.

“I mean it.” She uttered before moving quickly and near silent into the woods.

{just a short to get back into this}

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