Until Then

Your dimpled smiles

Always made me weak

Everyone falling for your charming wiles

But not me-the one they call freak

I loathed the facade you wore

For I could see the hidden side

The locked up version in your core

The one screaming inside

You came to me without a word

Silently laid your head in my lap

My hands mindlessly stirred

To play with your hair as you took a nap

You began to confide in me

As I did in you

We had a pocket of time no one could see

And no one knew

Through all the years

Of gentle touches and kisses

Whispers lingering on our skin with tears

Where the heart listens

I loved you then and still

You love me just the same

But we can never meet on that hill

With only ourselves to blame

Perhaps in another lifetime

When this one lies under earthly covers

I’ll be yours and you’ll be mine

Until then-Farewell, my almost lover

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